The Secret Language of Babies: A Must-know for Soon-to-be Moms!!!

Recently, my cousin-in-law showed me a video about the Secret Language of Babies. It was actually an Oprah episode aired 3 years ago and it got me excited because, apparently, babies have a default/reflex language to communicate their needs to mum and dad!!!

For mums who are already aware of this beautiful fact, please excuse me because it's the first time I heard of it and it got me so thrilled to learn that one day... I would be able to anticipate the needs of my little bub by learning the language; hence, avoiding a massive tantrum or crying spell. Sweet!

The First Five Words

According to Priscilla Dunstan, the Australian founder of Dunstan Baby Language, babies are born with a language reflex composed of 5 major sounds (or words?) which to communicate their needs to their parent. Here are the Five First Words of your little bub:

1. "Neh" (emphasis on "N" sound)

This means that your little one is hungry. Once you hear him say this, with an emphasis on the "N" sound, it means he/she needs to feed.

2. "Owh" or "Aahw" (emphasis on prolonged and beginning "O" or "A" sound)

When I heard this on the video, it sounded more like an "Aahw" to me than an "Owh". This means that your baby is sleepy.

3. "Heh" (emphasis on beginning "H" sound)

The heh sound means that your baby is feeling uncomfortable. You may want to change his/her lying position or there might be something hurting him like too tight clothing or bug bites, etc. 

4. "Eair" (emphasis on prolonged "EA" sound)

When I first heard this, it sounded more like an "Eeeeaaaaahhhhhh". This sound means that your baby is pooping I think. It suggests bowel movement or gas in the lower abdomen.

5. "Eh" (emphasis on beginning short "E" sound)

This sound means that your baby needs to be burped.

I believe the failure to attend to the needs of the baby after he/she utters these sounds would eventually lead to a crying episode which is often stressful for many mothers. Once the crying spell occurs, it will be more difficult for mum to decode what the baby is saying according to Priscilla. I suggest mastering these sounds in order to become faster in answering to the needs of your little one.

Here is the Oprah video to help you practice recognizing the sounds:

Visit the Dunstan Baby Language website to know more about this today!!!



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