The Best of Jacq Writes World!!! A 2016 Blog Round-Up.

Dear Supermums,

Happy New Year!!!

Looking back on 2016, I realised that 2016 hasn't been an easy year for us. From moving houses from the city to the rural area, learning that my mum has stage IV breast cancer, and my Endo recurring, it was probably the second hardest year in my life (The hardest year ever was 2015 when I was bedridden for 5 months due to a complicated pregnancy and I was initially diagnosed with Endo). Despite all these hardships, I realised that my family and I were able to rise from it. Challenges and pleasures come hand in hand in life and we need only to have faith and keep moving forward. 

As I am moving forward and closing my first year of blogging in Australia, I have joined some fantastic parenting bloggers in creating a yearly round-up of our best posts ever! These posts are the ones loved most by you, our mates and readers.

My Best Posts of 2016!!!

I have chosen to link up five instead of the usual 12 because I was absent for a whole 3 months and would not complete the list! Gah! So here are my best 5 posts for 2016! 

Thank you very much for all your friendship and support. And based from these results, I will try my best to create more mum hacks posts, mum self-care posts, and toddler activities suggestions. 

Thank you for reading all my crazy content, family adventures, our family journey through cancer and endometriosis, and for bearing with my typos and occasional grammatical errors. Lol! I am looking forward to connect with more of you in 2017!!! I would love it if you would continue connecting with me. Remember, I am only a comment or message away. xx

Once again, have a fantastic New Year!



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